About KnowledgeX

About KnowledgeX

KnowledgeX exists to support and enrich Continuous Professional Development (CPD) journey. Whether you are an individual working towards your self-development or an organisation keen about their personals’ CPDs, looking to encourage and support their peoples’ transformational self-development journey; KnowledgeX exits to be this one stop place where you can search the knowledge desire, understand the best practices and find out the latest new and statistics in the corporate function and areas that you are want to develop in.

KnowledgeX is no different from you. We also have our own continuous development journey which is built around personals experience and organisation’s needs. Hence, knowledgeX is committed to being people’s centric and leading organisations through their most pressing challenge to ensure they end in with a successful journey.

Our website is designed to address knowledge, skills and performance gaps for people and even organisations. Those services and solutions are designed in an integrated way that will be introduced in phases ensuring we cover most individual preferred learning style, and support organisational development needs to achieve its goals and strategic objectives.

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What is KnowledgeX

The letter X represents the “Unknown” in the classical old Latin language, which originally created to represent the word “Shay-own” in the old Arabic transcript of algebra which means “Something”. KnowledgeX keen to be your platform to discover the unknown to help you through your success journey.

Why Do We Exist

Our main purpose and goals

KnowledgeX consists of global-based individual consultants and business experts that combine both experience and knowledge in leading global private organisations and public sectors.

Through our cohort integration, we provide adept skills and expertise in vast areas of business management, strategy, financial, and support services that can navigate through the most pressing challenges, and present you with the recipe to grow with a competitive advantage.

Our Mission

We exist to build a developed global network of engaged professionals equipped with the adept skills and knowledge to lead global business future needs.

Our Value

Business Driven ... People Focused.

Our purpose

KnowledgeX will act like a lighthouse that guides both businesses and individuals through today’s rapidly changing business environment and globally increasing competition.

We commit ourselves to make a difference. Our team will guide you to see beyond boundaries, define opportunities that help you carry the necessary changes to compete in today’s business environment.

In other words, we are here to work with entrepreneurs, private businesses, public sectors, and individuals to navigate them through the most pressing challenges.

KnowlegeX Infopedia

Our Infopedia is a library to serve as a free glossary of business and management definitions, models, concepts, and frameworks to assist corporate professionals in their educational and continuous development. We commit to keep our glossary up to date, comprehensive and holistically covering as many business corporate areas and functions.

We understand that reading is not the only method for acquiring knowledge, and we are taking that in considering this in our future development phases to ensure you can choose from multiple preferred learning methods.

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KnowlegeX Articles

Our articles category is there to complement our glossary and complete you learning journey through highlighting and discussing the latest practices, trends, challenges, and topics related to the business and corporate world. Our team will publish and discuss the most relevant topics and practices supporting them with the needed figures and statistics to guide you when taking decisions in your daily challenges.

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KnowlegeX Solutions

Existing Business

You are a well-structured organisation wondering why despite all the efforts put by your team it is not bringing you the results other flourishing businesses are achieving? Our team can utilise our performance DNA tools to provide you with in-depth analysis and a fully comprehensive report stating your areas of strength and development along with recommendations with the best way forward.

An outside perspective could be surprisingly useful, and that’s where our team of consultants and experts become with an added benefit.

Business Starters

You have an idea but not sure how to take it further. Our team can study and act like a lighthouse to help you through your success journey. Starting from creating your business study and plan, crafting your mission and vision, even helping with daily operation activities and solutions.


KnowlegeX Personal Profile

By clicking on your name or image on the top right-hand side banner you will be able to access your profile. We have equipped it with multiple sections covering your experience, interests, qualifications and more.

Kindly ensure that your profile is up to date, as our upcoming phase will give you a wide range of personalised features. Those features will allow you to build a network of professionals sharing the same areas of expertise and interests. As well, following and sending enquires to Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to discuss the latest trends and corporate challenges. You can even ask people in certain business areas to participate in a study or benchmark that require a global perspective.

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Finally, we believe that success is a journey, not a destination. Through our journey we will always operate in a people-focused and business-driven way to ensure that we present to you the most reliable information an exciting experience.